08 AUG 2017
How To Get Birds To Eat Healthy Pellet Diet?
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Birds | Roudybush | Bird Food | Parrots | Budgies | Cockatiels | African Grey | Lovebirds
One of the most common questions we receive is simply: "How do I get my pet bird to switch from it's current food, to a more healthy diet of Roudybush?" There are several answers to this question. Most birds are creatures of habit and will choose foods that look most familiar to them. Converting your bird to Roudybush formulated pellet diets is mainly a matter of convincing your bird that it is food. There are several methods that can be used; choose the one that is most appropriate for your bird. The most important factor in switching your bird to Roudybush is your determination that it will eat a nutritious, balanced diet. Your bird may initially act as if it does not like the Roudybush, but imagine a child that you are trying to convert from a diet of snack foods, candy and ice cream to a lower fat, healthy diet; it is a similar situation. Once your bird makes the transition you will find that it enthusiastically eats Roudybush.   1) Instinctual. The instinc.. [More] budgiesaspets.jpg
Tags : How To Get Pet Birds To Eat Healthy Roudybush Diet , How Do I Get My Bird To Switch To Healthy Roudybush Diet , Bird Food South Africa , Bird Pellet South Africa Comment 0 Comments
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